7 Questions to Ask Before Choosing a Residential Fence Contractor

March 31, 2024

Is your fence fading or warping? Is it starting to look like something off the cover of a mystery novel?

It may be time for a new fence. And there was never a better time to install a great fence for an excellent price. When you're in the market for a residential fence contractor, you'll want to be looking for local options. These will be the professionals who are most familiar with the climate and regulations in your area. And they'll be the best equipped to install a fence that will keep you and your family safe for years to come.

Here are some questions you should be asking during your search.

1. What Kind of Fences do You Install?

This may seem obvious, but different fencing contractors specialize in different materials.

Vinyl fencing, for example, is affordable and strong. It won't rot, peel, or be subject to vicious pests. A quick spray with a hose is the only maintenance it will require. They can get installed quickly and offer complete privacy.

Wood fences have a beautiful, natural look that is also affordable. If you are looking for that homey country style, a wood fence could be for you. Some folks prefer wood fences in a more decorative style, which can add value to your home. Treated wood can protect against termites, fungi, and moisture. Make sure your fencing company is using it if you are choosing wood.

Sturdy chain link fences can keep your property protected and don't require much maintenance. A taller chain link fence can even get installed if safety is a real issue.

2. How Much Will I Pay For Materials?

This is where it's critical to do a little homework. Find out from a few different contractors in your area how much you'll pay for materials and labor. The costs quoted by a company you're considering should be on par with what you are hearing from comparable services. If you're going to be paying more, you should be getting more.

Keep in mind that factors such as the grading of your property and obstructions such as trees could affect the overall cost of the job. Make sure, however, that you verify your contractor's quote by comparing it with that of other professionals.

And while you're at it, find out the types of materials your fencing contractor will be using. If your fence will be wood, for example, your contractor should be able to recommend wood types that are the most resistant to weather conditions in your area. An experienced contractor will be able to estimate the cost for a property of your size. And you shouldn't be surprised at any new costs after the job has begun. Make sure you get the quote in writing before you agree to go ahead with hiring a contractor.

3. Do You Have a License?

Anyone who is doing work on your house will require a contracting license. In Kentucky, general contracting licenses get managed at the county and city levels. When you are close to hiring a contractor, ask them if a contractor is a Certified Fence Contractor or if they have a Certified Fence Professional on staff. Ask for a license number that you can verify with your city or county.

4. Do You Have Insurance?

 You won't want to hire anyone to do work on your house without liability insurance. It covers any mistakes that could be made by the contractor, as well as any mistakes that could get made by third parties hired by the contractor. This could include architects or builders.

If your contractor doesn't have insurance, there is a chance that you could get held liable in the event that an accident occurs on your property. Once again, ask your contractor for their insurance number and call the company to verify that it's legit.

5. Do You Have References?

Of course, the best way to find a reputable fencing company is to ask friends and family for recommendations. Don' be afraid to ask questions. Were they satisfied with the work that the company did? Was it completed on time? Were all communications professional and respectful?

If you can't get any personal recommendations, ask the company you are considering for at least three references. You can also look at online recommendations to see what people are saying.

6. How Long Will the Job Take?

Make sure you get the length of the job in writing before it begins. You don't want to be faced with unexpected problems that could lead to a mess on your property for an extended period of time.

7. How Does My New Fence Need to be Maintained?

A fence is an investment. If you want yours to last, you'll need to ask your contractor how you should maintain it, and they should be able to give you an informed answer. Wood fences, for example, should be cleaned every three to five years to remove any moss, dirt, or mildew. They should then get recoated with a water-resistant coating.

Vinyl fences are a bit easier to maintain. You can scrub them once a season with laundry detergent and hot water. Re-sealing is not necessary the way that it is with wood.

The Best Residential Fence Contractor

The right residential fence contractor for your family will come highly recommended. You will also want to make sure they are licensed, insured, and knowledgeable about local issues. The right fence will keep your property safe and beautiful for years to come. 

For more information on residential fences, contact us today.