Aluminum Fence Styles to Complement Any Home

March 31, 2024

Did you know that even though steel has strength, aluminum is the best kind of metal to use outdoors?

Aluminum is a top choice when considering what kind of fencing to use around your home. We've compiled a list of the best kind of aluminum fence styles that will complement your residence.

Read on to find out what they are!

Why an Aluminum Fence?

Aluminum fences will be much more durable and sturdy than your average fence. Going with a wooden or vinyl fence can be aesthetic to some people, but it won't last very long and can easily be broken into.

If you want good safety and protection for your home, then an aluminum fence is a good option. Plus, if you have pets like dogs, it will be very difficult for them to accidentally escape. They will not be able to get through an aluminum fence.

Aluminum is not as strong as steel material, which some may opt for, but in the long run, it will prove to be much more durable. It is corrosion resistant which means less maintenance for you in the long run. Plus, in cold temperatures, it gains strength whereas a steel fence may become brittle and weaker. 


Neoclassical homes have a lot of detail and design to them, and normally appear very grand from the outside and in. 

In order to do your home justice, you should choose a neoclassical design that is ornamental in nature and detail-oriented. This will add to the aesthetic of your neoclassical home.

But even if you don't have a neoclassical home, choosing a fence style like this can add a grand touch to your residence that you might not already have.


You can opt for a flat-top fence that has a traditional but decorative feel to it. A flat-top fence would be flat on the top with the bars descending. This will provide good security for your home while also enhancing its appearance. 

If you love a classic feel but aren't sure how to incorporate it into your home, go for traditional metal fencing!


A modern fence style is great for anyone that loves a unique and non-traditional design.

Most fence bars are vertical in traditional fencing, but with modern fences, you can opt for horizontal bars that will surprise your guests. Furthermore, you can get even more creative and add geometric designs that are perfect for a modern yet sophisticated appearance. 

What Aluminum Fence Style is Right for Me?

The aluminum fence style you opt for ultimately depends on your preference and the look of your home. The styles we've discussed are some popular options that can pretty much match anything, but in the end, it's your choice!

At Rio Grande Fence Co., we offer a variety of fencing services and materials that you can choose from. Contact us today and find out more!